
CPC scene members

803 bytes added, 16:08, 10 August 2006
This is an alphabetical list of '''CPC scene members''', sorted by the country they originally came from and which are (going to be) mentioned in this CPCWiki.
Feel free to add your own entry here.
== Scene members Germany ==
* [[Alien]] (Germany)of [[Symbiosis]]* [[BSCAmadeus]] (Germany)* Black Mission* [[CNGSoftBSC]] of [[Symbiosis]] (Spain)* [[DigitChilly]] (France)of [[KKB]]* Double A* [[Dr.Zed]] (Germany)of [[Symbiosis]]* [[DJH]] of [[GCS]]* [[DSC]] (Germany)of [[BENG]]* [[EGS]] (Austria)of [[GCS]]* [[Excalibur]] of [[GOS]]* [[Face Hugger]] of [[MOPS]]* [[Fraggle]] of [[MOPS]]* [[GWM]]* Jerry of ???* [[K-OS]]* [[Kangaroo MusiQue]] of [[HJT]]* [[KNS]]* [[Leather Rebel]]* [[Marabu]] of [[HJT]]* Mickey of [[TCW]]* Minisoft* [[Mr. Ams]]* [[OAS]]* [[Octoate]]* [[Odiesoft]] of [[HJT]]* [[Pluton]] of [[Commotion]]* [[Prodatron]] of [[Symbiosis]]* Section Jaguar * [[TFM]]* The Cranium of [[TCW]]* The Frog* [[Thriller]] of [[GOS]]* [[TobiFlex]]* [[Tolkin]]* Tom of ???* Tom of [[KKB]]* TSP* [[Villain]]* [[WEEE!]]  == France ==* [[Digit]] of [[Logon System]]* [[Eros]] of [[Logon System]]* Fred Crazy of [[Logon System]]* Longshot of [[Logon System]]* Naminu of [[Logon System]]* Overflow of [[Logon System]]* Patrice Bruhat* Pict of [[Logon System]]* Poum* Slash of [[Logon System]]* XOR  == Great Britain ==* Richard Fairhurst  == Netherlands ==* ??? dude 1 of [[Dragonbreed]]* ??? dude 2 of [[Dragonbreed]]  == Denmark ==* JLCS* NWC (FranceNew Way Cracking )* Tyronesoft  == Austria ==* [[ExcaliburEGS]] (GermanyElmsoft Game Service)of [[GCS]]* [[Hexenmeister]] of [[HJT]]  == Spain ==* [[CNGSoft]]   == Greece ==* Rex of [[BENG]]  == other countries ==
* [[Executioner]] (Australia)
* [[GWM]] (Germany)
* [[Hexenmeister]] (Austria)
* [[K-OS]] (Germany)
* [[Kangaroo MusiQue]] (Germany)
* [[Leather Rebel]] (Germany)
* [[Marabu]] (Germany)
* [[Mr. Ams]] (Germany)
* [[NWC]] (Norway)
* [[OAS]] (Germany)
* [[Octoate]] (Germany)
* [[Odiesoft]] (Germany)
* [[Pluton]] (Germany)
* [[Prodatron]] (Germany)
* [[TFM]] (Germany)
* [[Thriller]] (Germany)
* [[TobiFlex]] (Germany)
* [[Tolkin]] (Germany)
* [[Villain]] (Germany)
* [[Weee!]] (Germany)
* [[XOR]] (France)
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