

350 bytes removed, 12:44, 10 August 2006
/* Developing for FutureOS */
== Developing for FutureOS ==
Most of the low level hardware resources must be accessed by the application itself, as FutureOS doesn't provide support for them. E.g. FutureOS doesn't include interrupt handling, which means, that you have to write your own handler at #38 or You can switch to interrupt mode 2developp very freely, if you own a special hardware expansion, which allows this modeeven the RST vectors are free usable. Depending on Also the existence and type second register set of your own interrupt handler you may use the second Z80 register set when interrupts are enabledis freely usable.
=== Z80 Assembler ===
You can use an assembler for AmsDOS or for CP/M. Switching between AmsDOS and FutureOS is fast and using |FDESK allows to come back to AmsDOS with the first 64 48 KB or RAM remaining untouched.
=== Programming in C for FutureOS ===
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