
Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner

1,416 bytes added, 15:03, 7 July 2008
/* Contents */
== Contents ==
<pre>1. [[Amstrad Machine code first principlesLanguage for the Absolute Beginner - Machine Code First Principles|Machine Code First Principles]] 2. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - How Computers Count|How computers countComputers Count]] 3. [[Amstrad Machine code meets Language for the Absolute Beginner - Machine Code Meets BASIC|Machine Code Meets BASIC]] 4. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Registers at work|Registers at work]] 5. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Passing Parameters to programs|Passing parameters Parameters to programs]] 6. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - 8 BIT bit counting|8 bit counting]] 7. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - 16 BIT bit transfers|16 bit transfers]] 8. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - 16 bit arithmetic and counting|16 BIT bit arithmetic and counting]] 9. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Loops, jumps Jumps and block operationsBlock Operations|Loops, Jumps and Block Operations]] 10. INs [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Ins and OUTs Outs and ODDs Odds and ENDsEnds|Ins and Outs and Odds and Ends]] 11. [[Amstrad soundMachine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Amstrad Sound|Amstrad Sound]] 12. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - The Amstrad keyboardKeyboard|The Amstrad Keyboard]] 13. [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - The Amstrad displayDisplay|The Amstrad Display]]  [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Appendix 1: Instructions and OP-codes|Appendix 1: Instructions and OP-codes]] [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Appendix 2: Flag Operation Summary|Appendix 2: Flag Operation Summary]] [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Appendix 3: Numbers on the Amstrad|Appendix 3: Numbers on the Amstrad]] [[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner - Appendix 4: Timing programs|Appendix 4: Timing programs]]
Appendix 1: Instructions and op-codes
Appendix 2: Flag operation summary
Appendix 3: Numbers on the Amstrad
Appendix 4: Timing programs