u need is to connect the GREEN wire (ready signal) with one of the BLACK wires (ground). This works with both the 20 pin powersupplys and the newer 24 pin ones. Here is a shot of my 20 pin one:
Connected the green pin 14 wire with the black pin 13 wire. Note that i used pin 13 just because it was right next to pin 14 .. but any other black wire will work just as well.
Q: Can I use a FD1 cable to connect a 3.5" floppy drive?
A: In theory yes, but its hard to set the ready signal. Connecting pin 33&34 is probably best done on the drive itself with a small piece of wire/metal. People who can solder will know how to fix the cable itself tho.
Q: Can i hook up a 3.5" to a cpc 464 like this?
A: No. Hooking up a 3.5" isnt possible without some serious soldering and you also need that DDI interface.
Q: Can i use a 3.5" on a 6128+ ?
A: Sure you can, but u need to make a cable that fits the the Centronics connector and since the pins is a bit upside down with the 6128+ its a bit more on the technical side. Look here for more:
http://www.zettweb.com/semiconductors/h ... drive.html
Q: I got one of those german Schneider 6128 with Centronics connector?
A: Sure, but just like 6128+ its a bit more technical and need a special interface/cable made.
Q: The floppy drive isnt registered at all .. not even getting errors?
A: Try cleaning the connector on the Amstrad.
Q: Can I use those odd format discs on the 3.5" ?
A: 41 track & other Amstrad formats works fine.
Q: Can i use the fully 720kb on the floppy?
A: You need a special rom like Parados to replace Amsdos to do that.
Q: Can i use a 3.5" floppy drive internally in my 6128/664?
A: Well, sure but u need to make another special cable bacause the real internal cable is a lot smaller than the usual pc floppy cable. Also you will need a power converter cable if u want to power the floppy from the inside. If you do use it internally you wont have to set the "primary" pin 11 & 12 as it is already primary.
- Executioner, UKmarkh, JMD, Wanderer, Zeropolis79, Gryzor and Ptr for great help and contributions to the guide.
- Everybody in the Cpczone.net forums for putting up with my rantings
- Anyone online who i stole info from
I may have made a few assumtions .. especially about the floppy compatability based on from my own experiences and such. If im wrong let me know
My eeiiieenglish isnt the most fluid and correct spelled and all that, but is readable I hope.
http://www.cpcmania.com/ (Spanish & English)
http://www.phenixinformatique.com/secti ... e&artid=67 (French)
http://www.amstradtoday.com/elements/up ... cteur2.htm (French)
http://www.terra.es/personal/diegovp/ (Spanish)
http://usuarios.lycos.es/putusoft/emucpc/softwaree.htm (Spanish)
http://genesis8.free.fr/amstrad/faq/index.php or
http://www.faqs.org/faqs/amstrad8bit-faq/ (English/French/Dutch/German/Spanish)
http://www.cpcwiki.eu/index.php/Techni ... umentation (English)
http://www.amstrad-cpc.de/ (German)
== Tools to read CPC floppies on pc ==
CPCDiskXP: http://www.cpcmania.com/
ManageDsk: http://amstrad.cpc.free.fr/download.php ... es&sortby=
22DISK: http://www.znode51.de/specials/22disk/
ReadDSK/WriteDSK: http://www.julien-nevo.com/arkos/tools.html
CDPRead/CDPWrite: http://www.caprice32.cybercube.com/downloads.php