
Willem Programmer

46 bytes added, 08:30, 12 June 2008
Quick little guide on how to use a modern (cheap) Willem programmer board to backup your old Amstrad roms or make new ones.
== Requirements:==
- A Willem Eprom programmer board v3.x or better (+cable & power adapter).
- a pc that has a parallel port (DP25).
== Used in this guide:==
Used a Willem v4.5 board and software 0.98D in the pics, but the other version boards/software works just as well.
== Eproms explained short:== 
Eproms is bacisly like a cd-r .. you can only write to them ONCE .. unless you have special hardware (eprom eraser). So to make it really simple: pretend that you have 16000 dominoes .. and you tip them all at once .. forming a unique pattern that makes a amstrad chip. Problem is .. you can only tip them once.
== Amstrad (ep)roms:==
Amstrad rom are usually 16kBYTE .. so using 128kBIT chips is the way to go. So hunting down a couple of 28 legged 27128 or 27C128 eprom chips (cleaned/erased/empty) and you are ready. Please note that i said USUALLY .. there are a couple roms that has a different size .. still .. you can fit a smaller rom quite easy into a larger Eprom if needed.
== I suggest reading about eproms:==
After reading that .. did you notice the difference between 27128 and 27C128 (The "C" part) while reading that? The "C" part like a 27C128 need 6V .. but the non-"C" part like 27128 do not (only need 5V). But how do you make sure that the your the odd "pulls" you got cheap off ebay will work ? Use 6V only !
== First time install: ==
You have gotten your Willem programmer board and some empty eproms. Lets set it all up.
== Setting up the board vs chip:==
First you need to find the right setting for your chip. The Willem software will do that for you. So open up EPROMS45 program and click on the "Device select" button then select 27C128.
== Then you will get the correct setup for your chip:==
With a little luck the rest of the setting on the board wont need to be change as the "factory settings" works quite well most 27128/27C128. But just in case here is a step by step check:
Step 1: change the correct chip pattern to tell the board that we are using a 27C128 chip.
== General on use of the chip board:== 
Use common sense when operating the board.
WARNING: Make SURE not to access the board from software without a chip has been inserted and locked in place !!
It IS possible to change chips while the power is on and the software is open on your pc, but better not accidentally press anything in the software while changing.
== Buying clean erased eproms ==
Ebay is probably the place. Note that 27C256 are cheaper and easier to find than 27C128 ones. Do note that some sellers isnt always the most reliable .. "100% erased and tested" sometimes means the opposite Better buy small quantities first.
== FAQ ==
Q: Im getting a "Hardware Error: Check Power & connection"?
A: Make sure both parallel & power cable is connected and plugged in. Make sure the "power" jumper is set correctly (Step 8 ). Could also mean that the board is dead.