
Telepathique Demo

365 bytes added, 12:27, 19 March 2008
[[Image:TELEPATI screenshot 1.jpg|thumb|300px|Telepathique Demo]][[Image:TELEPATI screenshot 2.jpg|thumb|300px|Telepathique Demo]][[Image:TELEPATI screenshot 3.jpg|thumb|300px|Telepathique Demo]][[Image:TELEPATI screenshot 5.jpg|thumb|300px|Telepathique Demo]][[Image:TELEPATI screenshot 6.jpg|thumb|300px|Telepathique Demo]][[Image:TELEPATI screenshot 7.jpg|thumb|300px|Telepathique Demo]]
'''Terrific demo''' is a demo by [[Mage]] of [[Bugs]].
This demo contains no great code, just a funny game: if you think about a number between 0 an 63, the demo asks you 6 questions and print the number you were thinking about.
As in most demos by Mage, this demos includes pseudo cheat codes : esc, control or del were used by Mage to test different effects that were not automatically included in final demos.
Release date: 1994
[[Category:Demos]][[Category:Demos 1994Demos_1994]]