
Main Page

894 bytes removed, 08:00, 7 August 2006
This site hopes to evolve into an encyclopaedia on all things [[Amstrad]] [[CPC]] related. Feel free to [[contribute]] or post your [[suggestions]] here!
=== Clones ===
There was one clone of CPC maden in Russia at 1994. The name was Aleste 520EX. Technical spec: [[Z80]], 8MHz, 512KB, [[RTC]], 320x200x16 and 640x200x4 colors with 512 palette, mouse, expansion slot support DMA access. All in one box, external 3.5" disk drive. External 4-channels 8-bits per channel sound card which plays s3m and stm files. Runs all original software of CPC and runs MSXDOS whith command line tools, C compiller and several windowed tools: text-editor, debugger, disk-editor. The computer have software emulator of [[MSX]]2 video controller and runs several [[MSX]]2 games. The clone used by [[MSX]] users and homemaders.
=== News and updates ===
*No A couple more updates will be posted in the main skins added. You can check these out from your preferences page. Please note that these are not fully supported yet - that is, unless it's something majorI just dropped the files there, and not all things are working 100% yet. Look at the Recent Pages (below left) for the latest updates! - [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 0109:3720, 8 July 6 August 2006 (CDTCEST)*[[Links]] updated - [[UserMore filetypes allowed for upload:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 10:49now you can upload zip, 1 July 2006 (CDT)*[[Hardware_scrolling]] addedrar, typed by the Executionerpdf and mp3 files. [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 0908:2854, 1 July 6 August 2006 (CDTCEST)*[[Discussion]] page added [[UserShould anyone wish to help with '''administering''' the CPCWiki, please do send an email - help would be appreciated, if you know your wiki stuff :Gryzor|Gryzor]] 09:28, 1 July 2006 (CDT)* An enormously incomplete list of '''This wiki has moved to its own domain - [[demogroups]]. [[Userhttp:ChaRleyTroniC|ChaRleyTroniC]] 01 July 2006* An equally incomplete list of [[magazines]]//www. [[User:ChaRleyTroniC|ChaRleyTroniC]] 01 July 2006* And an even less complete list of [[fanzines]] and [[PD libraries]]cpcwiki. [[User:ChaRleyTroniC|ChaRleyTroniC]] 01 July 2006*New logoeu cpcwiki. Yummy :) Info on [[Amstradeu]] added. Uploads enabled. [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 13:00, 30 June 2006 (CDT)*Some links added. No descriptions yet. - [[Userthanks to the hosting that Kangaroo donated! A huge thanks :Gryzor|Gryzor]] 04:18, 30 June 2006 (CDT)*SymbOS/SymbiFaceII text added - ''' !!!! [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 0320:4814, 30 June 4 August 2006 (CDTCEST)*WooI would urge those users who do register, this wiki has [http://Img140to verify their email made it] This will allow the system to send notifications when requested by the front page of [ CPCzone]!! Well chuffed :user (on watched pages, on changes etc) Oh yes, and I still don't know how but most importantly, it will allow other users to embed images with upload disabled :D - send emails without revealing your email address! [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 1620:3314, 25 June 4 August 2006 (CDTCEST)