
Dynamic Games for the Amstrad

79 bytes added, 20:24, 27 September 2007
== AUTHORAuthor'S INTRODUCTION s Introduction ==
The Amstrad CPC464 ('Arnold' to its users) is a fantastic computer that has taken a major place in the computer market alongside the Spectrum, the BBC Micro and the Commodore 64. Its powerful BASIC has excellent sound and graphic features, making it a superb machine for games programmers.
London, October, 1984
== OUT IN THE ARCADE Out In The Arcade ==
Arcade games are probably the most popular form of computer games entertainment. In fact, many people when they talk about a computer game, think about arcade games and nothing else.
Danger UXB| Quack Attack| Diamond Thief| Bomb Catch| Brick Out| City Sacrifice| Attack Of The Mutoids| Surround| Arnold The Elecrician| Escape From Janus 15
== FEELING ADVENTUROUSFeeling Adventurous? ==
Adventure games have come into their own in the last couple of years. Using new computers with greater and greater memory capacities along with complex graphics and sound, adventure games have been made more ambitious and more interesting. Today, it is rare to thumb through a computer magazine without seeing large numbers of adventure games advertised.
City Of Atlantis| The Steinberg Files| Character Generator
== GAMES OF STRATEGY AND LOGIC Games Of Strategy And Logic ==
All of the games in this section were first played a long time ago, rather than on a computer. The games have been computerised to provide you with an opponent that will play whenever you want to and play well.
Chess| Reversi (Othello)| Gomoku| Four In A Row| Checkers/Draughts
== SHORT BUT SWEET Short But Sweet==
Here are a few shorter games. They are less complex than most others in this book, but I've added them in for a purpose. Apart from being fun to play, they are games which you can easily extend and improve. One of the best ways to learn to program is to enter other peoples' programs into your computer and then try to add your own features.
Sniper| Matchstick Men| Pitch 'N Put| Needle In The Haystack| ROM Bug
== BRAIN GAMES Brain Games ==
These are games of mental logic and concentration; luck is of only minor importance as you battle with the difficult problems that your Amstrad sets for you.
Cube Master| Solitaire| Flippa| Echo Chamber| Scrambler| Repeat
== GAMBLING GAMES Gambling Games ==
I doubt if there are few people who have not indulged in some form of gambling. Everywhere there are chances to risk a few pennies in order to win a few pounds. The race track, Bingo, Football Pools and the Casino are just four of the many ways in which you and your money can be parted.
Pontoon| Double Dice| Bird Cage| Card Demonstration| Under Or Over| One-Armed Bandit
== GRAPHICALLY SPEAKING Graphically Speaking ==
This chapter is made up of a collection of graphic routines and displays that are fun in themselves, but with a little work, could be made part of something larger. For example, the routines could be put at the end of a game as a reward for the winning player. Another idea would be to string them all together to provide an interesting demonstration display for your friends.
Triangular Tracer| Window In/Out| Laser Fan| Lunatic Patchworks| Hundreds And Thousands| Sunburst| Travelling Triangles
== SOUNDS FANTASTIC Sounds Fantastic ==
One of the best features of the Amstrad is its sound capabilities. With the ability to mix sound from three channels, together with white noise, the effects that can be achieved are marvellous.
Synther 464| Star Theme| Zap/Energiser| Chopper/Rustle, Rustle| Music Composer| Music Maze