
Net Library

8 bytes added, 14:49, 4 August 2007
The RSX-Library has the following commands:
|LOOKUP,@counter%,@number% : Lookup for how many CPCs are in the net and give everyone a different number.
|JOY,@joy%(0) : This command exchanges all joystick-values from the CPCs in the net.
|GETKEY,@key% : Check if on any CPC in the net a key is pressed.
|WAITKEY : Wait for a key pressed in the net.
|MASTER,@byte% : All CPCs will take the byte from the master-CPC (that's good for random values that should be the same on every CPC).
|EX.STR,@a$(0) : exchange strings.
|EX.INT,@i%(0) : exchange integers.
|EXT.REAL,@r!(0) : exchange reals.
'Net Battle' is a basic game that uses the Net Library. You shoot with canons and try to hit the other players.