
Main Page

934 bytes removed, 18:14, 4 August 2006
/* News and updates */
=== News and updates ===
*'''This wiki has moved to its own domain - [], thanks to the hosting that Kangaroo donated! A huge thanks :)''' !!!!*No more updates will be posted in the main page, unless it's something major. Look at the Recent Pages (below left) for the latest updates! - [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 0120:3714, 8 July 4 August 2006 (CDTCEST)*[[Links]] updated - [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 10:49I would urge those users who do register, 1 July 2006 (CDT)*[[Hardware_scrolling]] added, typed to verify their email addresses. This will allow the system to send notifications when requested by the Executioner. [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 09:28, 1 July 2006 user (CDT)*[[Discussion]] page added [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 09:28on watched pages, 1 July 2006 (CDT)* An enormously incomplete list of [[demogroups]]. [[User:ChaRleyTroniC|ChaRleyTroniC]] 01 July 2006* An equally incomplete list of [[magazines]]. [[User:ChaRleyTroniC|ChaRleyTroniC]] 01 July 2006* And an even less complete list of [[fanzines]] and [[PD libraries]]. [[User:ChaRleyTroniC|ChaRleyTroniC]] 01 July 2006*New logo. Yummy :) Info on [[Amstrad]] added. Uploads enabled. [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 13:00, 30 June 2006 (CDTchanges etc)*Some links added. No descriptions yet. - [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 04:18, 30 June 2006 (CDT)*SymbOS/SymbiFaceII text added - [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 03:48but most importantly, 30 June 2006 (CDT)*Woo, this wiki has [ made it] will allow other users to the front page of [ CPCzone]send emails without revealing your email address!! Well chuffed :) Oh yes, and I still don't know how to embed images with upload disabled :D - [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 1620:3314, 25 June 4 August 2006 (CDTCEST)