
Technical information about Locomotive BASIC

730 bytes added, 16:11, 14 March 2007
This table list the BASIC tokens with no prefix byte.
Code{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}|''Code (hexidecimal) ''||''BASIC keywordKeyword''|-|&00 ||end of tokenised line marker|-|&01 ||":" statement seperator|-|&02 ||integer variable definition (defined with "%" suffix)|-|&03 ||string variable definition (defined with "$" suffix)|-&04 ||floating point variable definition (defined with "!" suffix)|-&05 ||var?|-&06 ||var?|-&07 ||var?|-&08 ||var?|-&09 ||var?|-&0a ||var?|-&0b ||variable definition (no suffix)|-&0c ||variable definition (no suffix)|-&0d ||variable definition (no suffix)|-&0e ||number constant "0"|-&0f ||number constant "1"|-&10 ||number constant "2"|-&11 ||number constant "3"|-&12 ||number constant "4"|-&13 ||number constant "5"|-&14 ||number constant "6"|-&15 ||number constant "7"|-&16 ||number constant "8"|-&17 ||number constant "9"|-&18 ||number constant "10"|-&19 ||8-bit integer decimal value|-&1a ||16-bit integer decimal value|-&1b ||16-bit integer binary value (with "&X" prefix)|-&1c ||16-bit integer hexadecimal value (with "&H" or "&" prefix)|-&1d ||16-bit BASIC program line memory address pointer|-&1e ||16-bit integer BASIC line number|-&1f ||floating point value|-&20 ||" " (space) symbol|-&21 ||ASCII "!" symbol|-&22 ||quoted string value|-&23-7b ||ASCII printable symbols|-&7c ||"|" symbol; prefix for RSX commands|-&80 ||AFTER|-&81 ||AUTO|-&82 ||BORDER|-&83 ||CALL|-&84 ||CAT|-&85 ||CHAIN|-&86 ||CLEAR|-&87 ||CLG|-&88 ||CLOSEIN|-&89 ||CLOSEOUT|-&8a ||CLS|-&8b ||CONT|-&8c ||DATA|-&8d ||DEF|-&8e ||DEFINT|-&8f ||DEFREAL|-&90 ||DEFSTR|-&91 ||DEG|-&92 ||DELETE|-&93 ||DIM|-&94 ||DRAW|-&95 ||DRAWR|-&96 ||EDIT|-&97 ||ELSE|-&98 ||END|-&99 ||ENT|-&9a ||ENV|-&9b ||ERASE|-&9c ||ERROR|-&9d ||EVERY|-&9e ||FOR|-&9f ||GOSUB, GO SUB|-&a0 ||GOTO, GO TO|-&a1 ||IF|-&a2 ||INK|-&a3 ||INPUT|-&a4 ||KEY|-&a5 ||LET|-&a6 ||LINE|-&a7 ||LIST|-&a8 ||LOAD|-&a9 ||LOCATE|-&aa ||MEMORY|-&ab ||MERGE|-&ac ||MID$|-&ad ||MODE|-&ae ||MOVE|-&af ||MOVER|-&b0 ||NEXT|-&b1 ||NEW|-&b2 ||ON|-&b3 ||ON BREAK|-&b4 ||ON ERROR GOTO, ON ERROR GO TO|-&b5 ||SQ|-&b6 ||OPENIN|-&b7 ||OPENOUT|-&b8 ||ORIGIN|-&b9 ||OUT|-&ba ||PAPER|-&bb ||PEN|-&bc ||PLOT|-&bd ||PLOTR|-&be ||POKE|-&bf ||PRINT|-&c0 ||"'" symbol (same function as REM keyword)|-&c1 ||RAD|-&c2 ||RANDOMIZE|-&c3 ||READ|-&c4 ||RELEASE|-&c5 ||REM|-&c6 ||RENUM|-&c7 ||RESTORE|-&c8 ||RESUME|-&c9 ||RETURN|-&ca ||RUN|-&cb ||SAVE|-&cc ||SOUND|-&cd ||SPEED|-&ce ||STOP|-&cf ||SYMBOL|-&d0 ||TAG|-&d1 ||TAGOFF|-&d2 ||TROFF|-&d3 ||TRON|-&d4 ||WAIT|-&d5 ||WEND|-&d6 ||WHILE|-&d7 ||WIDTH|-&d8 ||WINDOW|-&d9 ||WRITE|-&da ||ZONE|-&db ||DI|-&dc ||EI|-&dd ||FILL (v1.1)|-&de ||GRAPHICS (v1.1)|-&df ||MASK (v1.1)|-&e0 ||FRAME (v1.1)|-&e1 ||CURSOR (v1.1)|-&e2 ||(note 2)|-&e3 ||ERL|-&e4 ||FN|-&e5 ||SPC|-&e6 ||STEP|-&e7 ||SWAP|-&e8 ||(note 2)|-&e9 ||(note 2)|-&ea ||TAB|-&eb ||THEN|-&ec ||TO|-&ed ||USING|-&ee ||> (greater than)|-&ef ||= (equal)|-&f0 ||>=, > =, => (greater or equal)|-&f1 ||< (less than)|-&f2 ||<>, < > (not equal)|-&f3 ||=<, <=, < = (less than or equal)|-&f4 ||+ (addition)|-&f5 ||- (subtraction or unary minus)|-&f6 ||* (multiplication)|-&f7 ||/ (division)|-&f8 ||^ (x to the power of y)|-&f9 ||\ (integer division)|-&fa ||AND|-&fb ||MOD|-&fc ||OR|-&fd ||XOR|-&fe ||NOT|-&ff ||(prefix for additional keywords)|}
* The &ff code is used as a prefix for more keywords. See the table below for the list of keywords using this prefix.