
Technical information about Locomotive BASIC

50 bytes removed, 15:49, 14 March 2007
/* BASIC string variables */
* A string variable is defined in BASIC with a "$" character postfix.
a$ = "hello"
* A string variable is described internally by a "string descriptor block" which has the following structure:
Offset Length Description
0 1 Length of string in bytes/characters
1 2 Location of start of string
* The address of the "string descriptor block" for the string variable can be found in BASIC by typing:
PRINT @a$* The address of the "string descriptor block" for the string variable can be found in BASIC by typing:
PRINT @a$ replacing "a$" with the name of the string variable. * A string uses a minimum of 3 bytes of storage (a 0 character length string) and a maximum of 258 bytes of storage. 3 bytes are used by the "string descriptor block") * A string variable can contain any ASCII character code in the range 0-255. * A string variable can store a minimum of 0 characters and a maximum of 255 characters. * The length of the string in characters is defined in the string descriptor block. The string does not have a termination character.