
Cassette data information

6 bytes added, 21:49, 13 March 2007
The Amstrad's cassette electronics converts the amplitude of the sound (a analogue signal) into a "0" or "1" measurement (a digital signal). This measurement can then be read from bit 7 of port B of the PPI 8255 IC.
[Picture showing the conversion process[conv.gif]]
[''Fig 8. This image shows the conversion of the audio waveform from the cassette into the digital representation by the Amstrad's cassette electronics. i.e. audio waveform (on cassette) -> Amstrad's cassette electronics -> 0 and 1 measurements]''
The resulting measurements can be read using the following Z80 instructions:
== Example of a typical loading system ==
The data on cassette actually consists of changing 0 and 1 levels. (a "level" is a magnitude of a value). The loader measures the time between each "level transition" where a "level transition" is the change from a "0" to a "1" level or the change from a "1" to a "0" level. The level can be timed using the following Z80 instructions:  <pre>;; - keep testing the state of bit 7 of PPI 8255 port B ;; - update the counter to record the number of tests done ;; - when bit 7 of PPI 8255 port B changes state, stop testing. ;; counter will hold the total number of tests made. ;; ;; B = &F5 (I/O address of PPI 8255 input port B) ;; C = previous data read from PPI port B ld d,0 ;; initialise count to 0 .loop inc d ;; increment count in a,(c) ;; read input to PPI 8255 port B xor c ;; exclusive-or with previous data read from PPI 8255 port B and %10000000 ;; isolate bit 7 ;; if result is 0, then the state of bit 7 that has ;; been read is the same as the previous state. i.e. bit 7 has not changed state. ;; if result is not 0, then the state of bit 7 has changed. ;; e.g. if bit 7 was previously 1, it is now 0. if bit 7 was previously 0, it is now 1. jr z,loop ;; when execution reaches here we know that bit 7 has changed state and D ;; contains the number of tests.</pre>
== Loader operation==
The loader generally operates in this way:
1. time Time a wave. Is the duration of the wave within the minimum and maximum duration required for the pilot. If yes, go to 2, else go to 1.
2. We might have seen a wave from the pilot signal. time a wave. Is the duration of this wave within the minimum and maximum duration required for the pilot. If yes, increment number of waves seen, go to 2, else go to 1.