4,308 bytes added,
16:14, 12 March 2007 <pre>
;; This program will save the ROM of the Multiface 2.
.cas_out_open equ &bc8c
.cas_out_direct equ &bc98
.cas_out_close equ &bc8f
.txt_output equ &bb5a
.km_wait_char equ &bb06
.kl_l_rom_enable equ &b906
.kl_l_rom_disable equ &b909
;; &4000-&7fff is used as a buffer to store the Multiface ROM and RAM contents.
;; When activated, Multiface ROM is readable in range &0000-&1fff and Multiface
;; RAM is readable in range &2000-&3fff.
org &8000
;; Detect Multiface
;; Activating the Multiface RAM & ROM is a two stage process:
;; 1. Enable lower ROM
;; 2. Then use the Multiface's I/O address to activate the RAM & ROM
;; The method used to detect Multiface exists:
;; (NOTE: When activated, any write to the Multiface RAM range (&2000-&3fff) is written
;; to the Multiface RAM, and not the CPC RAM in the same range. Any read is read
;; from the Multiface RAM and not from the CPC RAM.)
;; 1. Write a byte to the CPC RAM.
;; 2. Attempt to activate the Multiface RAM
;; 3. Write a different byte to the same location (if Multiface RAM is activated
;; then the byte in the Multiface RAM will be effected. The byte in the CPC RAM will
;; not be changed).
;; 4. De-activate the Multiface RAM
;; 5. Test the byte in the CPC RAM. If this byte has changed, then the Multiface RAM
;; was not activated, and it is assumed that the Multiface 2 isn't connected.
;; If the byte is the same, it is assumed that the Multiface 2 is connected.
;; write byte to CPC RAM
xor a
ld (&3000),a
;; activate Multiface RAM
call kl_l_rom_enable
ld bc,&fee8
out (c),c
;; attempt to write byte to Multiface RAM
ld a,&ff
ld (&3000),a
;; deactivate Multiface RAM
ld bc,&feea
out (c),c
call kl_l_rom_disable
;; test byte in CPC RAM. Has it changed?
ld a,(&3000)
or a
jr nz,multiface_not_present
;; Byte has not changed. Multiface is assumed to be connected.
;; Multiface has been detected. Now dump the ROM data.
;; enable Multiface ROM and RAM
call kl_l_rom_enable
ld bc,&fee8
out (c),c
;; (ROM will now be readable in range &0000-&1fff. RAM will be readable and
;; writeable in range &2000-&3fff).
;; copy multiface ROM data to buffer in RAM
ld hl,&0000
ld de,&4000
ld bc,&4000
;; deactivate Multiface ROM and RAM
ld bc,&feea
out (c),c
call kl_l_rom_disable
ld hl,present
call print
ld hl,insert_disk
call print
call km_wait_char
ld hl,saving
call print
;; save the rom data to a file
ld b,end_filename-filename ;; length of filename in characters
ld hl,filename ;; start address of filename
ld de,&c000 ;; address of temporary 2k buffer (not used when using
;; cas out direct)
call cas_out_open
ld hl,&4000 ;; start address of data in buffer
ld de,&2000 ;; length of data in buffer
ld bc,&0000 ;; execution address
ld a,2 ;; file type: binary
call cas_out_direct
call cas_out_close
;; display message
ld hl,finished
call print
;; wait for a key press
call km_wait_char
;; soft-reset CPC
rst 0
;; The byte in CPC RAM changed. Therefore it is assumed that the Multiface
;; is not connected.
;; display message
ld hl,not_present
call print
;; wait for a key press
call km_wait_char
;; soft-reset CPC
rst 0
;; display a message terminated with 0
ld a,(hl) ;; get ASCII code for character
inc hl ;; increment pointer in text
or a ;; termination character?
ret z ;; quit if termination character.
call txt_output ;; display character
jr print ;; loop for next character
;; the messages
defb &11,&0d,&0f,&01,"Image has been saved.",10,13,10,13,"Press any key to reset.",0
defb &0f,3,"MULTIFACE is not enabled.",10,13,10,13
defb &0f,1,"Press any key to reset.",0
defb &0f,3,"MULTIFACE is enabled.",10,13,10,13,0
defb &0f,1,"Please insert a disk, and press any key.",13,10,0
defb &11,&0d,&0f,&01,"Saving ",&0f,&02,"MULTIFACE.ROM",0
;; filename for the ROM data