
Locomotive BASIC

573 bytes added, 07:43, 28 February 2007
/* Error codes */
* 23
* 24
* 25'''FILE type error''' - Using a program file instead of a data file to read or write (or vice versa).* 26'''NEXT missing''' - The NEXT of a FOR ... NEXT loop is missing.* 27'''File already open''' - Trying to open an open file. Use CLOSEIN or CLOSEOUT first.* 28'''Unknown command''' - Given when an unknown command follows a masterspace.* 29'''WEND missing''' - The WEND part of the WHILE ... WEND loop is missing.* 30'''UnexpectedWEND''' - WEND encountered without a corresponding active WHILE.* 31'''File not open''' - Attempting to read from or write to a file without OPENing it first.
== Other Basic Dialects avaliable for the CPC ==