
Locomotive BASIC

897 bytes added, 11:46, 26 February 2007
== ERROR MESSAGES Error codes ==
* 1 '''Unexpected NEXT ''' - Occurs when the FOR of a FOR .. NEXT loop is missing.* 2'''Syntax Error''' - Typing error or incorrect punctuation.* 3 '''Unexpected RETURN''' - Caused by entering a subroutine other than with GOSUB.* 4 '''DATA exhaused''' - Trying to READ data when data pointer has reached end of data.* 5 '''Improper argument''' - The argument for a function is not legal (eg. PRINT SQR(--10)).* 6 '''Overflow''' - The computer cannot handle a number greater than 1.7E38.* 7 '''Memory full''' - All available RAM is being used or has been reserved. Program to big or control structures too deeply nested.* 8 '''Line does not exist''' - Attempt to RUN, GOTO or GOSUB a non-existent line number.* 9 '''Subsript out of range''' - Value of a subscript in an array is greater than DIM declaration.* 10 '''Array already dimensioned''' - Arrays can only be DIMensioned once within a program.* 11 '''Division by zero''' - Trying to divide a number by zero.* 12
== Other Basic Dialects avaliable for the CPC ==