*[https://thecheshirec.at/2023/11/21/5-multi-crtcs-a-vendre/ Multi-CRTC Board] Host and select between multiple CRTC chip types in one CPC
== Removable media (floppy disks, tapes, cartridges) Floppies ==
*[[SDiskEmul]] Floppy-drive emulator released in 2007. Abandoned now. Supports DSK, EDSK disk-images
*[https://kryoflux.com/ KryoFlux] Proprietary floppy adapter Flux reader/writer
*[https://cpcrulez.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=100&start=690#p55437 Pauline] FPGA-based floppy-drive dumper and emulator
*[http://www.shlock.co.uk/Utils/OmniFlop/OmniFlop.htm OmniFlop] Universal floppy disk reader, writer, and tester for Windows. Supports over 280 floppy disk formats
*[https://cpcrulez.fr/hardware-lecteurs_externe-interface_ddi3_usb_floppy_emulator.htm DDI-3] USB floppy-drive emulator with an integrated FDC chip, floppy data separator and AMSDOS ROM for CPC464. Current evolution [https://cpcrulez.fr/hardware-lecteurs_externe-interface_ddi6_usb_floppy_emulator.htm DDI-6] has also integrated a RAM/ROM box
*[https://lotharek.pl/productdetail.php?id=376 DriveRDY] Emulates the Ready signal necessary for floppy drives on Amstrad machines
== Tapes ==
*[https://hobbyretro.com/en/retro/tzxduino TZXduino] [https://ultimatemister.com/product/ultimate-maxduino-pro/ MAXduino] Arduino-based tape deck emulator. Supports many formats of tape-images including CDT and TZX
*[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tapdancer/fcibbcbgbeioacfcnfgjianglchlcokh tapDancer] [https://web.archive.org/web/20160110003844/http://tapdancer.info/] Chrome and Android app that plays back many formats of tape-images including CDT and TZX
*[https://pelrun.github.io/PlayUEF/ PlayUEF] Web-browser based tape deck emulator, supporting CDT and TZX tape-images
== Cartridges ==
*[https://github.com/f1ac0/CPC-plus-cartridge CPC-plus-cartridge] Different PCB designs and code to make a CPC-plus cartridge
*[https://github.com/zeus074/Amstrad_Multicart Amstrad Multicart] 16-in-1 cartridge for the GX4000 or Amstrad Plus computer
*[https://overange.weebly.com/amstrad-gx4000-cpc-464-6128-plus-reflashable-flash-cartridge.html Flash+ cartridge] Amstrad CPC+ GX4000 reflashable cartridge
== Other Printers ==
*[https://github.com/dasta400/ACPCPE Amstrad CPC Printer Emulator] Arduino-based CPC printer emulator that can output text, markdown or HTML
*[https://www.retroprinter.com/ Retro-Printer] Plugin module for the Raspberry Pi that makes it possible to connect retro computers to modern USB or network printers
*[https://github.com/nzeemin/escparser ESCParser] Command-line utility, ESC/P printer emulator that can output PostScript, SVG or PDF
== Other ==
*[https://simonowen.com/spectrum/lenskey/ LensKey] LensLok copy-protection decoder for Windows
*[https://github.com/grzegorz-gr/vga4cpc vga4cpc] VGA output for Amstrad CPC based on Raspberry Pi Pico