

219 bytes added, 12 August
Confirmed the game would work on a firmware-upgraded CPC464.
Some new updated versions were made too: "Pirates! Gold" (with VGA colours on PC) and a modern PC "Sid Meier's Pirates!" 3D version in 2004.
''Pirates!'' includes a lot of Graphics (Mode 0) and music. The game is notable for being one of the (too) rare 6128 specific game: only disk version and 128KB RAM were supported. In theory, 464 (+ disk Even with a RAM expansion and a disc drive) the game would not run on a 464. This is likely due to differences in the firmware between a 6128 and 664 with Extra Ram upgrade should work464. It has been [ confirmed] that upgrading the firmware in a 464 to that of a 6128 (maybe not ?replacing the ROM)will allow the game to run.
This port of ''Pirates!'' is also notable for its underlying structure being written in Locomotive BASIC, augmented with machine code routines for graphics, audio, and the arcade portions of the game. Presumably this is largely the same BASIC code as in the C64 version, although on the C64 it is apparently much harder to access than on the CPC (where the files are not hidden in the catalog and only protected by the standard ",p" BASIC protected mode).