

206 bytes added, 6 August
Finally, in April 1985, the [[Atari ST]] appeared with similar features to the ANT but with a 68000 CPU instead of an accelerated Z80. The resolution in 320x200 16 colours shares a lot little with CPC/CPC+ ; and the same sound chip. Its STE version has DMA sound like CPC+, and graphic Blitter.
Recently the unreleased CP/M-68k appeared finished (will it be works with some not hardware dependent PCW programs?).
Similar case in CPC+ design and ST.
Would we consider the Atari ST as the ANT that never came out? (Similar features but with diferent coding 16bit CPU).(Not so powerful to replicate/emulate CPC/PCW?).(is needed hardware like in Aleste machine VDP?)[plain Amiga could move CPC emulator?]
CPC and ST shared many third party software development teams and projects. The music coding is almost direct and the graphics is somekind of close in CPC+
A software library very close to the ST/CPC would have been possible on a color PCW16? (16Mhz CPU)([[Habisoft]] did Knight Lore and Total Eclipse ports)
The CPC+ and PCW16 machines share internal parts with the ANT.