

16 bytes added, 6 August
Finally, in April 1985, the [[Atari ST ]] appeared with similar features to the ANT but with a 68000 CPU instead of an accelerated Z80. The resolution in 320x200 16 colours shares a lot with CPC/CPC+ ; and the same sound chip. Its STE version has DMA sound like CPC+, and graphic Blitter.
Recently the unreleased CP/M-68k appeared finished (will it be works with some not hardware dependent PCW programs?).
GEM gui is shared with Amstrad PC. But incompatible coded apps cause diferent 16bit CPUs
Amstrad abandoned the 3" format in the latest [[PCW]]/PCW16 models.
The user scene placed 3.5" drives in CPC.
[[B-ASIC ]] for CPC+ appeared. Amstrad should do at the beginning of the machine.
Some utils read/write MS-DOS format in CPC with 3,5" drive.
CPC and ST shared many software development teams and projects. The music coding is almost direct and the graphics is somekind of close in CPC+
A software library very close to the ST/CPC would have been possible on a color PCW16? (16Mhz CPU)([[Habisoft ]] did Knight Lore and Total Eclipse ports)