| XREF||
| TUNE||Play a tune, eg <nowiki>|tune,"E F# G G A F# E E F#"</nowiki>
| ECHO.ON||Redirect screen output to the printer.
| FIND||Search the currently loaded BASIC file for a string and edit that line.
| PAGE.ON||Enable paging mode. The screen will pause if displaying a large file, eg <nowiki>|page.on:|command</nowiki>
| PAGE.OFF||Disable paging mode.
| SCREEN||Page screens in and out, eg <nowiki>|screen,1:print "Hello world":|screen,2:print "Screen 2"</nowiki>
| SOUNDLAB||Interactive sound envelope editor
| KEYBOARD||Toggle keyboard settings, eg <nowiki>|keyboard,1 </nowiki> enables caps lock.
| BAUD||
| KILL||Disable ROMs, eg <nowiki>|KILL,1,2</nowiki>
| TIDYLIST||List a BASIC file with an easier to read format, eg Loops are indented, multiple lines are split out etc.