

51 bytes removed, 12 June
/* Peripherals */
*[ SSA-1 software list] [ Dk'Tronics software list] [ TMPI software list] To test speech synthesizers emulation
*[ Cocoon Player] [ Bordelik 4] [ Digital Orgasm] [ Bloood] [ Digitracker Symbiosis] [ Prodatron MDL packs] [[File:DigiTracker]] [!/] [ Amdrum] To test [[Digiblaster]] and [[Amdrum]] soundcards emulation
*[ Alcon 2020] [[]] [ VGMplay Willy] [ OPL3 VGM pack] [ BluePillCPC] To test [[Play2CPC|Play2CPC OPN3]], [[Willy|Willy OPL3]] and [[Willy|Willy MIDI]] soundcards emulation
*[ Magnum Light Phaser] [ SkeetShoot] [ The Enforcer] [ Dk'Tronics Light Pen] [ Light Pen Mark II] [ Dart Light Pen] [ FutureOS] To test lightguns and lightpens connected to expansion port
*[ West Phaser] [ Gunstick] [ Trojan LP-1] To test lightguns and lightpens connected to joystick port
*[ RulezCharge] [ CPChessNet] [ Ewen] [ SymbOS] [[UniDOS]] To test the network emulation
*[ X-MEM FW] [ 32 Roms Booster] [ Roman] [ CatRun] [ CowSay] [ iMPsuite] [ Graph'OS] [ Nirvana] [ Utopia] [[Hexam]] [ Orgams] [ YANCC] [[HDCPM]] [ FutureOS] [ SymbOS] [[UniDOS]] To test ROMboard emulation
*[ Alcon 2020] [ Hyperdrive] [ Puzzle Bobble] [ Revenge of Trasmoz] [ Crazy Piri Chronicle] [[Converted GX4000 Software]] [ FutureOS] [ SymbOS] [ UniDOS] To test CPC cartridge slot expansion
*[ Multiface Protector] [ Anti-Multiface II software list] [ RX 220] [ War in Middle Earth] [ Zap't'Balls advanced] [ The Insider] [ MF2RR] [ Technical documentation] [] To test [[Multiface II]] emulation
*[ LensLok] [ Dandanator] [[KDS 8-Bit Printer Port]] [ CRTC Type 5] Exotic hardware that should be emulated