

271 bytes added, 19:27, 22 April 2024
/* Disadvantages */
== Disadvantages ==
* FDC can't read old disc formats any longer. It is not possible to exchange discs with a 4MHz CPC.* Not every hardware expansion is able to work with the 6 MHz bus speed. So also other options to load data and programs on a 6MHz CPC can become difficult.* Not all GateArrays will work with a 24MHz crystal* RAM should to be at least 160ns fast. Many CPCs only have 200ns RAM built-in
* The horizontal timing of the CRTC is affected. In order to get a stable image, you need to program register 0 at 95 (96 characters line) and Register 2 at 61 (centering for 40 characters default)
* Pixels pitch is 66.7% of their original pitch.Theses pictures show this fact (320×200 mode 1 pixels with black border)
Image:12062011054.JPG|Overclocked CPC @24Mhz
* Not every hardware expansion is able to work with the 6 MHz bus speed
* Sound must be reprogrammed