
Converted GX4000 Software

28 bytes added, 05:25, 8 February 2023
/* G */
||[[Glider Rider]]|| 1986 || Quicksilva || No ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>Pause button = Quit current game || [[Media:Glider Rider.rar| Glider Rider.rar]]
||[[Golden Axe*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1990 || Virgin Games || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Use joypad 2 in menus. Press J2UP for configure joypad 1 (Redefine Magic to J1B2, Select Character with joypad 1), then press J2DN to configure joypad 2 (Redefine Magic to J2B2, Select Character with joypad 2). Validate controls with J2B1 = Yes, J2B2 = No. After that, J1B1 to start one player game, J2B1 while game has started for player 2 to join the game. || [[Media:Golden Axe.rar |Golden Axe.rar]]
||[[Golden Basket]]|| 1990 || Opera Soft || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2 = Pause/Unpause, Pause Button = Quit game/demo|| [[Media:Golden Basket.rar |Golden Basket.rar]]
||[[Goonies (The)]]|| 1986 || U.S. Gold || No || No || Converted by dragon<br/>J1B2 = Music on/off, J2B1 = Pause (Pause button to resume game), J2B2 = Quit current game || [[Media:Goonies (The).rar |Goonies (The).rar]]
||[[Gothik*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1987 || Firebird || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2=Status Display, J2B1=Take Potion/Enter Portal<br/>J2B2=Firestorm, J2UP=Metamorphose Food/Gold || [[Media:Gothik.rar |Gothik.rar]]
||[[Grand Prix Simulator]]|| 1987 || Codemasters || No || No || Converted by Phantomz|| [[Media:Grand Prix Simulator.rar |Grand Prix Simulator.rar]]