
Vortex Disc Drives

25 bytes added, 11:14, 28 May 2022
* [[Media:Vortex Floppy Disk Station F1 für den Schneider CPC 464 - Benutzerhandbuch.pdf|Benutzerhandbuch für die Vortex Floppy Disk Station F1 für den Schneider CPC 464]] {{DE}} (Vortex F1 user manual)
* [[Media:Vortex_Vdos_2.0_Manual.pdf|Benutzerhandbuch für das Diskettenbetriebssystem VDOS 2.0]] {{DE}} (VDOS 2.0 user manual)
* [[Media:Vortexf1.dsk|Vortex F1 System Utilities Disk Image (720K)]]
* [[|VDOS 1.0 ROM]]
* [[|VDOS 2.0 ROM]]
Image:vortex controler 2.jpg|Look inside the controller, a NEC 765 chip and [[VDOS]] upgraded to v2.0
Image:Vortex f1 manual.jpg|Vortex F1 Manual
Image:Vortex f1 manual disk.jpg|Vortex F1 Utility System Utilities Disk
File:Vortex f1-x cpc664 backside edge.jpg|F1-X (CPC 664) backside, showing edge connector
File:F1-x inside.jpg|F1-X (CPC 664) inside view
File:F1x m1x manual.jpg|F1-X/M1-X manual and utility system utilities disk