

675 bytes removed, 15:57, 15 August 2020
'''COSMOS''' is a personal COSt MOnitoring System written by [[KSL|KSL]]. COSMOS v.25 was released in 2020.<br>
It is a personal business application similar to the MSDOS-era PC applications and one of the most recent projects developed for CP/M-80. COSMOS runs under [[CP/M|CP/M 2.2]], (the Dobbertin 63 KB TPA version) and is built upon the mouse - based graphics user interface (GUI) as pioneered by Xerox at Palo Alto and popularized by Apple with the Lisa and Macintosh computers. COSMOS can be used to edit your income, plan your expenses and maximize your annual profit. The application makes full use of the CP/M-80 and CPC6128 capabilities and its peripherals as well. A full annual project of COSMOS (full 366 days matrix) can hardly run on a standard CPC6128 as it requires approximately 300 350 KB of disc space. It is thus suggested to COSMOS makes full use the "Personal Computer" configuration of the CP/M-80 memory capabilities and CPC's peripherals in order to process and store the aforementioned data (suggested configuration: +800 KB FD, + 512 KB RAM, +20 MB HD, + RS232C, +DM printer, +CTM monitor, +[[AMX Mouse]]!).<br><br>
'''128 KB RAM''' Download the latest version (to boot 63 KB TPA CPv.25/MSummer 2020), <br> '''180 KB internal FD''' (using the boot disk can also be used as the redundant disk in user software level RAID-1 execution mode), <br>link below.'''512 KB RAM expansion''' (COSMOS can access the extra RAM for faster execution and temporary analyses), <br>'''800 KB FD''' or '''20 MB Dobbertin Hard Disk''' (this is the main work drive or redundant drive), <br>[[AMX Mouse]] (COSMOS supports AMX mouse for easy choice selection), <br>'''RS232 serial interface''' (COSMOS automatically communicates with any connected device), <br>'''Dot matrix printer''' (to obtain a hard copy of your monthly/annual data), <br>'''Color monitor''' (to run the screen saver in 16-color mode).<br><br>
By Boot CP/M using the setup installation utility of original COSMOS the user can initialize any annual project or start a demo project in order to become familiar with the COSMOS user interface disk and functionsexecute A>SETUP. COM <br><br>
By using the setup installation utility of COSMOS the user can initialize any annual project or start a demo project in order to become familiar with the COSMOS user interface and functions. As far as the controls are concerned, Cursor keys or Mouse can be used in order to control the pointer. [F0] key simulates the left button of the mouse. [F.] key simulates the right button of the mouse. Left button can be used for (Yes), whereas the right button can be used for (No),(Next) or (On-Board) help. ESC key can be used to escape. <br><br>
Download the latest version (v.25/Summer 2020) using the link below. <br>
Boot CP/M using original COSMOS disk and execute A>SETUP.COM <br>