
CWTA Issue 39 - March 1988 - Type-Ins

1,938 bytes added, 16:08, 26 July 2020
Created page with "The following listings were published in the March 1988 issue of ''[[Computing_with_the_Amstrad]]'': === Type-Ins === * Meltdown (Robin Nixon) * Pixelator (Robin Nixon) '''N..."
The following listings were published in the March 1988 issue of ''[[Computing_with_the_Amstrad]]'':

=== Type-Ins ===

* Meltdown (Robin Nixon)
* Pixelator (Robin Nixon) '''NB''' correction from June 1988 included
* Textdump (Angus Lear) '''NB''' correction from July 1988 included
* Calculator (David Bozon) '''NB''' includes extra error-checking routines
* Trench Digger (D. Wilkes)
* Clear Screen Routine (Machine Code)

== Notes ==

* All files here originally created by Nich Campbell.
* A 10-liner called '''Spiral''' by Michael Wilcox was published in this issue but is a version of a program in the CPC manual, so it's not included here.
* '''Pixelator:''' Load the screen you wish to edit at &4000, and then load PIXEL.BIN at &8000, like this:

MODE 0:MEMORY &3FFF:LOAD"filename.scr",&4000:LOAD"pixel.bin",&8000:CALL &8000


'''Main menu:''' '''TAB''' - Go to editing mode, '''I''' - change an ink, '''L''' - load screen, '''S''' - save screen, '''ESC''' - return to BASIC;

'''Ink selection:''' '''cursor up''' - next colour, '''cursor down''' - previous colour, '''cursor left''' - first colour (black), '''cursor right''' - last colour (bright white), '''RETURN''' - select colour;

'''Editing:''' '''cursor keys''' - move cursor, '''SHIFT+cursor keys''' - select area of screen within magnifying glass, '''CONTROL+cursor keys''' - move magnifying glass, '''COPY+cursor keys''' - select inks, '''TAB''' - return to main menu, '''CLR''' - hide magnifying glass, '''SPACE''' - change pixel, '''ESC''' - return to BASIC.

== Download ==

* [[|DSK file]]

== Screenshots ==

<center><gallery style="clear: both">
Image:Digger39.png|<center>Trench Digger</center>

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[[Category:Computing With The Amstrad Type-Ins]]