

10 bytes added, 14:47, 15 December 2019
/* Running an adventure */
==Running an adventure==
* Copy CPCZVM.COM, ZXZVM.BIN and the game file (e.g. ADVENT.Z3) to media which has at least 64KB free. All of these should be in the same location. It is advised to use CPM+. CPM2.2 is supported but there is not enough memory. CPCZVM may not be compatible with other CPMs.
* Boot into CP/M.
* Select the disc (e.g. |B)
* Type: CPCZVM ADVENT.Z3 to start.
Not supported:
* Timed input
* Italics, Bold and other font styles.
* Colours
* Sound
* Transcript is not currently supportedThe version for CPM will run under Dk'Tronics 61KB CPM2.* Italics, Bold 2 and it may run under CPM from other font styles are not currently supportedcompanies.
* Using a RAMdisk under CPM+ doesn't make much of a difference to the speed of loading.