
URTC-8 Universal RTC for Z80 computers

274 bytes added, 19:00, 1 October 2019
/* About uRTC-8 */
uRTC-8 is designed to work on the Z80 bus implemented by uIDE-8. The intention is that the board is connected to the Z80 bus in parallel to uIDE-8 to provide a means to set the host computer's clock at boot time, automatically. The uRTC-8 board is exactly the same size as uIDE-8 with matching mounting holes, so they can be stacked one above the other using PCB standoffs.
Refer to the uRTC page for further details on connectivity options. You don't need uRTC-8 in order to use uRTC-8 but you will need to choose a way to connect it to you computer. PCWs can use Z80 shim or the expansion port adapter; other Z80 computers can use the Z80 shim.
== Project status ==