
URTC-8 Universal RTC for Z80 computers

575 bytes added, 18:47, 1 October 2019
/* uRTC.COM */
-q quiet mode, reports errors only"
==== Examples ====
The following examples should illustrate its use:
..would set the day of the week to Wednesday and the date to the 19th Dec 2018 on the RTC's clock, then transfer the new date and time to the host computer's system clock.
==== Y2K handling ==== handles the year 2000 issue in the same way as the Y2K compliant CP/M Plus DATE.COM:
* When the year entered is before 78, uRTC will assume it is in the 21st century (2000s)
* When the year entered is 78 or above, uRTC will assume it is in the 20th century (1900s)
The clock chip itself does not store the century.
=== Additional CP/M software required ===
You will need the Y2K compliant versions of DATE.COM, DIR.COM and SHOW.COM in order to use uRTC fully. You can download these from []
== Technical info ==