
LambdaSpeak III ROM

7 bytes removed, 01:50, 18 July 2019
Software support: ROM with RSX commands, Z80 library, FutureOS and some games
== RSX Library for the LambdaSpeak III expansion interface ==
To use the RSX commands you either put disc in your drive and type: run"disc
Or you can install the "LS3.ROM" as an expansion ROM. It contains all RSX commands and more.
==== Before we start ====
To use LambdaSpeak III in the mighty Epson mode you type the RSX command |LSINIT or |LSINIC.
This initializes LambdaSpeak III, which is in SSA1 mode when you switch on your CPC or Plus.
=== Commands to control LambdaSpeak III: ===
Attention: One of the two following commands shall be used before you can use the power of LambdaSpeak III
==== Commands to select the LambdaSpeak III mode: ====
|LAMBDA: Selects the powerful Epson mode.
|PCMMODE: Switches to PCM mode. In this mode PCM samples of the 128 KB EEPROM can be played. Attention: This mode can only be left by pressing the Reset_LambdaSpeak III button on the LS3 board.
==== Commands to select parameters of the LambdaSpeak III expansion ====
|SETVOLUME,0-15: Sets the volume to a value between 1 and 15. The value 0 select the standard volume.