
URTC-8 Universal RTC for Z80 computers

520 bytes removed, 08:10, 25 April 2019
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* uRTC.COM allows the user to set and get the time on the RTC chip.
* transfers the time and date to the host computer's operating system (normally CP/M). If you have uIDE-8 installed, add a call to this program to your PROFILE.SUB and locate the program on an IDE partition so it loads and runs faster.
* uRTCTX.FID performs the same function as uRTCTX.COM, except as a FID (field installable driver). Use this to set the PcW system clock when booting into LocoScript (also works under CP/M but is slower to load than a copy of uRTCTX.COM that's sitting on a uIDE partition).
=== uRTC.COM ===
=== uRTCTX.COM ===
A small utility that copies the time and date from uRTC-8 to the PCW's CP/M internal clock. Install it to the boot disk and call from PROFILE.SUB. If you have uIDE-8 installed, copy it to an IDE drive and call from PROFILE.SUB for improved speed.
=== uRTCTX.FID ===
A small FID that copies the time and date from uRTC-8 to the PCW's CP/M internal clock. Install it to the boot disk / start of day disk and it will run each time the PcW cold boots. (Note, requires CP/M Plus v.1.15 or higher).
== Technical info ==