
URTC-8 Universal RTC for Z80 computers

638 bytes added, 13:36, 24 April 2019
[[File:URTC-8 OshPark.JPG|200px|thumb|right|uRTC-8 board render from OshPark]]
[[File:URTC-8 3D.JPG|250px|thumb|right|uRTC-8 3D render from KiCad]]
== What's an "RTC"? ==
In case you didn't know.. an "RTC" is a "Real Time Clock" - in this instance, a clock that maintains the time even when the host computer it is connected to is switched off. It is separate to the clock inside the computer; so, for example, the Amstrad CP/M Plus DATE.COM command prints the time and date from the internal clock only. However, it is the user's responsibility to enter the time and date each time the host computer is turned on if he/she wants DATE.COM to return the right information. Using an external RTC like uRTC-8, you can get the computer to perform this task automatically at each start up.
== About uRTC-8 ==