

713 bytes added, 18:00, 26 December 2022
"This category should include only sub-categories and almost no mundane pages."
(draft, feel free to enhance the page)
'''Orgams ''' is a ROM -based Amstrad CPC and PLUS native assemblerAssembler. The first public version was released in february February 2015.   == History == * Coded by [[Madram]] (main), [[Drill]] (editor code), [[Bombseb]] (additional editor code) and [[Hicks]] (Monitor and Trace)* groups : [[Overlanders]] , [[Vanity]]* Logo by Camillo* Font : [[Beb]] == Requirements == * 128k RAM* all CRTCs* ROM board == Features == As '''Orgams''' is ROM based, the RAM is dedicated to execution. The source is stored in the upper RAM to keep it almost safe when reseting the CPC. Getting back to the source after a reset is very quick so Orgams is the ideal solution to hardware testing.  == gallery == <gallery caption="Orgams"> File:Orgs3.pngFile:OrgamsRC1.pngFile:Orgs2.png </gallery>
As Orgams is ROM based, the RAM is dedicated to execution. The source is stored in the upper RAM to keep it almost safe when reseting the CPC. Getting back to the source after a reset is very quick so Orgams is the ideal solution to hardware testing.== Links ==
* official manual / dedicated wiki : (French)
* official topic :!/
* CPC-Power page :
* official manual
* official topic http[[Category://!/Applications]][[Category:RSX]] [[Category:Expansion ROM]] [[Category:Programming software]] [[Category:Assembler]]