

389 bytes added, 19:04, 18 November 2018
Updated and added some details on tape loaders
*[[Rainbow Arts Decryption Key]]
*[[Lone Wolf Loader]]
*[[Multiload Tape Loading System]]
== Disc ==
This list is not complete:
* [[Deflektor]] had a loader which showed instructions while loading - see [[Multiload Tape Loading System]]* [[Blood Brothers]], [[City Slicker]], [[Costa Capers]] and [[The Final Matrix]] had the same loader as Deflektor* [[Technician Ted]] had a loader with a dozen of main game character's sprites walking on the screen during loading
* [[Zynaps]] had a loader which had a countdown while loading
* [[Speedlock]] had colourful stripes in the border, some versions loaded the screen from top-to-bottom line by line
|Loading music
|Bomb Scare
|Comet Game (The)
|Harvey Headbanger