
/* Sample Sound Example 3 */
defw 107,95,90,80,71,63,60,0</pre>
The only other limiting factor is how big the tune can be, using this approach only 255 notes can be played. The other thing worthy of mentioning regards the BASIC example. The Sound command lacks duration, so in my Assembly exmaple it also lacked duration, however if no duration is used in BASIC, duration defaults to 20. Initially my Assembly was set to 0,0 so my tune played for longer. Unfortunately it's unclear where it goes since I've setup a label ".tone" to point to store the data from tune there. If you follow the bytes from the ".tone" label defb 0,0 = tone, 0 = noise, 12 = volume & finally 20 = duration (low byte) & 0 = duration (high byte).