|| 2.03 || Added javascript/html5 based navigation to the webinterface, with multifile upload, download, remote run, delete & make directory.<br />Added ability to CD into DSK & CPR DSK images from the Web UI and use remote run too.<br />Fixes with running binary files with remote run and improved by changing directory to actual remote folder aswell.<br /><nowiki>|</nowiki>FCP Fix dodgy filenames, removing system attributes.<br /><nowiki>|</nowiki>M4HELP now lists the first 32 roms. Use <nowiki>|</nowiki>M4HELP,romnumber to display commands for a specific rom.<br />Full amsdos header read into amsdos buffer area (will let you retain unused part of header when copying/opening).<br />Fix autoexec.bas launching when soft-resetting inside a .DSK<br />Fix <nowiki>|</nowiki>cd into .dsk's with write protection attribute set<br />Fix web remote run for filenames using html encoded characters<br />Fix <nowiki>|</nowiki>M4help, using all screen modes<br /> || [[Media:M4FIRM_v203.zip | M4FIRM_v203.zip]]
|- style="text-align: center;"
|| 2.04 || Added <nowiki>|</nowiki>ctrup and <nowiki>|</nowiki>ctr RSX for CPC plus owner, giving the ability to launch cartridge images.<br />Fix parsing bug when file not found.<br />Many DSK fixes, now games like Chibi Akumas show loading screen (again), games with fragmented blocks work (ie. Ninja Grannies).<br />WEB UI, now you can pick "CD ON CPC" when using file browser or from Control, to change the directory on CPC itself.<br />Besides using the webui a http req (ie. wget) can also change directory like this: http://ipnum/config.cgi?cd2=/DEMOS or even into a DSK file.<br />[..] in the file browser was changed to [BACK] and [.] to [REFRESH] to make it more obvious.<br /><nowiki>|</nowiki>ls now supports DSK images too (will probably garbage up if using ascii art though).<br /><nowiki>|</nowiki>httpget will use attachment filename, rather than url if present.<br />New command <nowiki>|</nowiki>dskx. With this you can extract dsk images to files. Usage <nowiki>|</nowiki>dskx,"somedisk.dsk","/mypath" and all files are extracted to given path.<br /> CPC+ init. no longer clears screen.<br />Fix downloading files from the WEB UI.<br />Support 512KB cartridge images (mainly used by CPC+).<br />Added option in web interface to downgrade romboard to 16 roms, to be able to fit 512 KB cartridges as well.<br />Added option to upload & start cartridge images via web interface.<br />Added option in web interface to downgrade romboard to 16 roms, to be able to fit 512 KB cartridges aswell.<br />Added option to upload & start cartridge images via web interface.<br />Set DHCP hostname to netbios name.<br />Fix crash when using run" without filename multiple times.<br />Improve timings of ROMDIS.<br />Only test IO bit 13 for rom selection (as CPC seems to do), was 0xDF<br />Fix Reset (clear rom state)<br />Change remote Reset, M4 reset & pause to acknowledge (IPC) commands or they could sometimes be ignored.<br />Updated ESP side SDK base to latest (v2.2.0), with whatever fixes that comes with it (ie. WPA/WPA2 vulnerability issue).<br />Fix Remote .sna for long filenames.<br />Fix for loaders using BE7D to restore drive letter (not checking if it is 00 00).<br />Change Amsdos workram 0-2 (ie. A700-A702) to 0 when using <nowiki>|</nowiki>SD and restore when using <nowiki>|</nowiki>DISC (only if AMSDOS or PARADOS present).<br />DSK: Do not show files with system attribute set. (makes better catart too)<br />DSK: Show '*' after file with "Read Only" attribute set.<br />DSK: Do not reject strange sector numbers (like AMSOFT disk protection)<br /> || [[Media:M4FIRM_v204.zip | M4FIRM_v204.zip]]