

9 bytes added, 23:21, 10 December 2017
Still possess his good old CPC6128 Qwerty from 1985-86.
Once found a 6128+ 6128PLUS and a cpc6128 (AZERTY) CPC6128 at the municipal garbagewastes, despite those being in (almost) perfect state.
This motivated a renewed CPC passion.
Sometimes pretends to create or just recolour some CPC graphics with a modern PC.
Went on a crusade to expose [[Speccy Port|Speccy Ports]] (redesigns, levels maps and , mock upsand spams in forums) as a personnal personal revenge from the day he purchased [[Black Tiger]] or when a "friend" laughed as R-Type was so better on his Speccy +2... Bastard bitch !
Is trying to contribute to the CPCwiki and Amstrad scene in general, despite often badly.