data media gmbh is a german mailorder distributor, they offerred both their own CPC hardware and software, as well as CPC products from other companies like Amsoft and dk'tronics.
The company did run several full-page ads in german magazine CPC Schneider International. Nethertheless, devices from data media seem to be very rare.
- Data Media Memory Expansion (available versions: 64K, 128K, 256K, or 512K RAM)
- Data Media Disc System (drive unit with two, three, or four 5.25" drives) (uses FDOS, non-AMSDOS compatible)
- Dust Covers
- Data Media Printerinterface (printer splitter for connecting 2 or 3 software-selectable printers to the CPC)
Aside from their own hardware, data media also redistributed hardware from dk'tronics, John Hall, Schneider, and Fischertechnik.
Software (games)
All data media games are available on cassette, 3" disc, and 5.25" disc (for use with the Data Media Disc System). Exceptions are third-party games from other companies.
- Stud Poker/Stud Jack
- Skat/Bauernskat
- Poker/17+4
- Zargon
- Future World
- Enterprise
- Der Rote Baron
- Das Geheimnis der 4 Juwelen
- Marco Polo saga:
- Marco Polo 1 (3" and 5.25" only, not on cassette)
- Marco Polo 2 (3" and 5.25" only, not on cassette)
- Marco Polo 3 (3" and 5.25" only, not on cassette)
- Die Thorr-Trilogie
- Part 1 - Die letzten Tage von Burg Ghorrodt
- Part 2 - Die Fluch(t?) nach Thyrros
- Part 3 - Das Geheimnis von Thyrros
- All parts - Die Thorr-Trilogie komplett
- Software-Überraschungspakete (surprise-packets)
- Überraschungspaket Best.-Nr. 4915 (5 games) (cassette only)
- Überraschungspaket Best.-Nr. 4917 (7 games) (cassette only)
- Überraschungspaket Best.-Nr. 4910 (10 games) (cassette only)
data media also redistributed games from Amsoft, Micro Power, Romik, Virgin, Hewson, Design, CRL, Gremlin Graphics, Melbourne House, US Gold, Microgen, and Microbyte Software. These third-party games were only available on cassette, and in some cases on 3" disc, but not on 5.25". The only exception is Er*Bert from Microbyte Software which was also offerred on 5.25" disc.
Software (utilities)
All data media utilities are available on cassette, 3" disc, and 5.25" disc (for use with the Data Media Disc System). Exceptions are third-party utils like Abersoft Forth and Screenplay.
- Focus
- Sekretariat
- Terminplaner
- Turbo Tape
- Multidatei
- Zeichengenerator
- Routinen, Tips und Tricks
- Textverarbeitung
- Adressverwaltung
- Faktura
- Kassenbuch
- Basic Compiler
- Vereinsverwaltung
- Verwaltungsarchiv
- Lagerverwaltung
- Paltinenkit
- Gredi
- Reisekosten
- Videothek
- Münzarchiv
- Briefmarkenarchiv
- Bibliothek
- Abersoft Forth (third-party) (3" only)
- Screenplay (third-party) (from england) (cassette only)