The CPC Only Meeting (COM) was organized by TFM in Munich in 1997. It was free of any charges.
- At this meeting one of the biggest games for the CPC Black Land has been released and sold. Siggi did create a beautiful drawing on each sold box of Black Land. The original release was in German.
- Also a new Version of FutureOS had been released.
- The meeting and some food was free.
- Brainblaster throwed out some vomit in the front yard. Inside of that square feet up to 2007 no plant was able to grow.
- Brainblaster of Frankenteam
- Deep Thought
- Doc Bartoc of Bollaware
- Hage of Wizcat
- Juggler of POW
- Mr. Ams
- Odiesoft
- Schlumpf
- Siggi of Bollaware
- Steve of Wizcat
- Sync
- TFM of FutureSoft
- Tolkin of FutureSoft
And may I've forgotten one... it's long ago.