
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

1 byte added, 06:57, 27 March 2017
== Feature list ==
* Compact design, only 4 ICs (uIDE-16) or 2 ICs (uIDE-8) and a smattering of discreet discrete components. Board measures 79x60mm (uIDE-16).
* Implemented using cheap, readily available parts (7400-series ICs only, plus some capacitors, resistors and LEDs).
* Can be connected to the PCW expansion port (see below) or internally via a Z80 shim card (note, this requires a socketed Z80).
* uIDE may not be compatible with certain types of IDE device (CF cards, DOMs).
* There is no driver support for IDE CD drives.
* There is no driver support for uIDE-16 on the CPC6128 CPC 6128 yet. I'm working on it.
* Any IDE device connected to uIDE should support IDE-ATA 8-bit data transfer mode. If you connect a device which only supports 16-bit mode, you may find it is incompatible or has half the expected space available (this is because in ATA 16 bit transfer mode, the interface only uses 8 of the possible 16 transfer bits).
* IDE devices must also support LBA (logical block addressing) mode, at least, for the drivers I am / am planning to supply.