
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

457 bytes added, 18:11, 8 February 2017
== Machine-specific expansion port adapters ==
These Use one of these cards allow connection of a if you prefer to connect uIDE card to the machine's expansion port on the back of the machinerather than via its Z80 socket.
=== PCW ===
These cards allow connection of a uIDE card to the 50 way expansion port on the back of the machine. They are designed to support the PCW edge connector type port, but the European Centronics type port might be accommodated if a suitable connector exists (50 way Centronics, 2.54 header pitch).
[[File:PCW bus adapter.JPG|200px|thumb|left|PCW Bus adapter]]
[[File:PCW bus adapter lite.JPG|200px|thumb|right|PCW Bus adapter]]
=== CPC6128 ===
Not designed yet... but watch this space!
== More information ==