

218 bytes removed, 08:20, 3 March 2016
===On MiST version===
Games that doesn't run are :
*'''prehistorik.dsk''': at begin demo... I cannot press the key.
*'''aigle_d_or.dsk''': keyboard keys bad mapping evidence (pressing right arrow press also F3, then display "impossible" in this game in same time of moving, in fact it is not a joystick playable game) - this bug is located (some values appears double on keymap array)
*'''ACPC_logon_system.dsk''': text scrolling lag. This demo will be used for horizontal ink calibration (when I’ll buy a luxurious FPGA platform... I need in fact 224Ko of internal RAM to do it), and CRTC overcounts.
*'''split ink demo.dsk''': (from cpcrulez) : may help about ink raster calibration.
*'''-circles.dsk''': this demo freeze does since r004.8 (PPI border effect ?)
*'''CPC aventure.dsk''': freeze instead of asking about the second dsk.
Arkanoid.dsk stars use rupture address (changing address several time during display of one image), it is now supported on "candidate 001" version of FPGAmstrad
moktar.dsk / super_cauldron.dsk does run fine since r004.8.1.1.
atomic driver does run fine since r004.7.2.
Spindizzy run fine.
Asphalt run fine... if you do not add gadget ROMs (same problem with Arkanoid II (Revenge of Doh))
A lot of demos don't pass in NEXYS4 FPGAmstrad's version CPC Aventure does run fine since r005.2 (I need to implement back the SDRAM hacked in MiST board FPGAmstrad versionmessage about turning disk now displayed). [ CPCRULES demos] is a cool ressource as it contains simple dsk formats.
Others bugs are about '''prehistorik.dsk format, ''' does run fine since r005.2 (key can now be pressed in fact a dsk is uncompressed into RAM at startup, so all dsk access are direct: intro demo)
*CP/M format: normally Sim City and Hero Quest run fine since r005.2 (it runswas about "key always pressed"), but in fact... it doesn't *protected format: all format with strange sector size fail*double side format: as you does need to reboot in order to change diska hard boot (not quick reset keyboard key), it's impossible to change disk while you are playing *save: disks are writable, save is done in RAM, and it’s not persistentcertainly a small problem of component init state.
A lot of demos don't pass in NEXYS4 FPGAmstrad's version (I need to implement back the SDRAM hacked in MiST board FPGAmstrad version). [ CPCRULES demos] is a cool ressource as it contains simple dsk formats.
'''crazycar.dsk''' does use lowerVRAM=00 (&0000-3FFF and &C000-FFFF area for VRAM)
'''protext.rom''': All right since r004 (before, in edit mode, if I pressed continuously one key, it did write ten letter and freeze/crash. Do note that a number is incremented in live at top right, so this is a complex software, good for keyboard vector stability tests)
'''atomdriv.dsk''': unlocked since r004.5 (the game and music did freeze(ROM unplugged shall return xFF))
'''rtypeee.dsk''' : unlocked since r004.7. Does use special read FDC cmd, with BOT different of EOT (begin of track/end of track), so reading several 512 bytes blocks in one FDC command only.