
Amstrad part numbers

71 bytes added, 15:53, 14 May 2015
40037 32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC464 and Late-CPC472-models (Spanish)
40038 32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC6128 (Spanish)
40039 PPC /PC2086 BUS Gate Array 40040 PC1512/PPC /PC2086 memory gate array
40042 PC1512 keyboard controller (i8048)
40043 PC1512 BIOS (even addresses)
40135 PPC5512
40120 PCW9xxx parallel printer controller ASIC
40127 PC2086 ???
40178 PC2086 keyboard controller (i8049)
40179 PC2086 BIOS (even addresses)
Z70833 Spectrum +2B Motherboard (ISSUE 1 & 2 (c) 1988, ISSUE 4 (c) 1990)
Z70835 Spectrum +3B Motherboard (ISSUE 1 (C)1988 )
Z70901 PC2086 motherboard (c) 1988
Z80264 P.C.B. 3" disc drive
Z80329 P.C.B. CPC464 version 4 (1988)