

198 bytes added, 09:12, 23 May 2012
/* Gryzor Vs. Contra Vs. Probotector */
'''Gryzor''' is actually a port from Konami's '''Contra'''. Contra was often renamed from countries to countries and system to system for more or less obscure reasons.
NES version Contra was renamed '''ProbotectorGryzor''', having because the sprites changed from humans term '''Contra''' could refer to robots due to censorship reasons, it was judged too violent for European children if "the protagonist Iran-Contra affair" or "Nicaraguan Contra rebels"... which were humans, and would lead thsoe kids to kill peoples hot international political topics in the street1987.
Contra Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console version was renamed Gryzor because '''Probotector''' in Europe, having the term Contra could refers sprites changed from humans to "robots due to censorship reasons, political authorities judged it was too violent for European children if the Iran-Contra affair" or Nicaraguan Contra rebels... which protagonist were hot topics humans, and would lead those kids to kill peoples in 1987the street.
Despite those name changes, this is the same game despite in different countries, on different machines and produced by different companies (under license in OCEAN's case).
The '''Contra ''' franchise is still actively exploited by Konami. The "Contra" word being now less polemical, it is now widely used and well known.
== CPC version ==