

484 bytes added, 00:11, 15 May 2012
/* Second generation */
===Second generation===
*'''MO6''' : Released in 1986. 128K Ram and built in Tape driver. features the in-built "joystick and sound" upgrade.
*'''MO5NR''' was : released in 1985-1986. Was actually a MO6 specification with in-built NanoReseaux all cased in a MO5E casing, hence no in-built Tape Driver as it was supposed to be in network with a TO model as netserver..
*'''TO8''' and '''TO8D''' : released in late 1986. 256K Ram and Built-in 3"1/2 Disk drive for the TO8D version (D=Diskcould be extended into 512K), 80K ROM with Microsoft's Basic512, better video modes, slightly upgraded beeper (DAC 6-bit) and a lot of connectics
*'''TO9TO8D''' and : released in late 1987. a TO8 with a Built-in 3"1/2 floppy Disk drive (D=Disk). *'''TO9+''' : released in late 1985. A professional casing with separate Keyboard and Central unit, and a lot of inbuilt peripheral peripherals and large larger amount of RAM(128k upgradable into 192K). It was the prototype for the later MO6/TO8 graphical specifications. *'''TO9+''' : released in late 1986 (one year after the TO9). The "+" version has an in-built Modemand 512k RAM..
*'''Olivetti :''' Some Thomson '''MO6''' were sold in Italy, branded as '''Olivetti prodest PC128'''