
[[File:Wagenknecht, 3-D animation, 1986.jpg|thumb|Cover]][[File:Wagenknecht back cover.jpg|thumb|Back cover]]'''''Experimentelle 2D- und 3D-Animation. Der PC in der Grafik, Werbung und Design''''' ("Experimental 2-D and 3-D animation—the PC in graphics, advertising, and design") is a book by Fred Wagenknecht about creating simple 2-D and 3-D vector graphics in Locomotive BASIC. (It is a little confusing that the book title refers to PCs rather than CPCs. But apparently it's just supposed to refer to home computers here.)
The focus of Somewhat confusingly, the book is on short vector-based animations's subtitle refers to the PC rather than the CPC, although of course BASIC is much too slow but apparently this was supposed to render them mean home computers in realgeneral, not IBM-timecompatible PCs. Then again, Wagenknecht points out that while the target audience of programs were written for the book areCPC 464, at least according porting to the subtitle, graphic designers and such, who would presumably have the necessary equipment to send completed frames to a plotter or store them on video tapeother BASIC implementations is relatively straightforward.
Three sample programs from the book are shown below. The actual source code in focus of the book also has comments is on short vector-based animations, although of courseBASIC is much too slow to render them in real-time. Then again, the target audience of the book are, at least according to the subtitle, graphic designers and artists, who would presumably have the necessary equipment to e.g. print completed frames or store them on video tape or Super 8 film (chapter 6 deals with this).
== Information ==
|Authors:|| Fred Wagenknecht
|PubliserPublisher:|| Vogel Verlag und Druck
|Year:|| 1986
==Sample programs==
Three sample programs from the book are shown below. The actual source code in the book also has comments of course.
===SHAPES.BAS (p.38)===
1070 DATA 65,-15,60,-10,60,-5</pre>
==Download==* [[Categoryhttp:Books]//,%203-D%20Animation.rar ''Experimentelle 2D- und 3D-Animation''](RAR-compressed PDF; 33 MB). Not a perfect scan because inner margins on pages are extremely narrow.
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