

4,141 bytes added, 14:23, 11 September 2006
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GMSK is G-MSK - Graphical Mode 0 to Sprite Konverter.Converter============================================
It converts parts of a CPC screen (Mode 0) into the CPC Plus hardware sprites1.Introduction===============
Version: 0.39 alpha-------- This FutureOS program allows to convert a part of a Mode 0 Screen(use cursor to choose) to the CPC-Plus Sprite RAM. The Converter usesall 16 CPC-Plus Sprites. You can save the Sprites to disc and use themin your own Demos, Programs and Games.  2. Control of GMSK runs under ==================After launching the program, you can use both joysticks, the CPC-keyboard(cursor keys and copy) or some mice (c'est le souris). No lightpen support!  3. How to use the GMSK======================- Insert Disc named "GMSK.dsk" to Drive A.- Start FutureOSthroug RSX-command !OS. - Read Directory of the Drive (first tag A-Icon, then use/tag DIR-Icon). - Tag file "- G-MSK .64K"- Run Program G-MSK (use RUN-Icon, at down left side). (now you should see the CBM-Desktop of the converter).- Press Copy to activate "File", then- Press Copy to activate "Load Pict.", then (read the message, that no file is tagged until yet).- Press Space to get back to the FutureOS-Desktop (temporarily). (now you see the FutureOS-Desktop like usual).- Press Shift or Control to show the Directories of tagged drives.- Tag picture to convert (place it on the disc previously).- Click at OK-Icon (right side). (now you should see the CBM-Desktop of the converter again).- Press Copy to activate "File".- Press Copy to activate "Load Pict.".- Selekt "Y" and press Copy to load Picture. (the picture will be loaded, uncompressed and a PAL-file will be loaded too). (You can now choose the arrangement of the sprites, but first ...)- Move "cursor" right to "Conversion" and press Copy.- Move the graphical cursor to the portion of the screen, which should be converted.- Press Copy again to activate function "Pic. -> Sprite"- Have a look at the Picture and then press Space.- Have a look at the converted Sprites!!! (enjoy it for a while *g* or shout!)- Press Space again go come back... to GMSK ;-) - Press Copy to activate "File".- Move down three lines (use Cursor-down key).- Press Copy to activate "Save Spri.", to save the new Sprites to Disc.- Hit Return to accept Drive, User and Name (or change it, if you like). (don't use little letters, if you want to use the file later with AmsDOS).- Press Copy to activate Menue "File".- Move completely down (cursor down key) to the bottom of menue "File".- Select function "End" (use Copy).- Select "Yes" and press Copy. (now you've left GMSK, you should see the FutureOS-Desktop again).- Touch Shift or Control key to see the saved Sprites in one of the directories. (if not - shout loud! ... mail tfm, kick as and ... then try again).- Quit FutureOS (... or have some more fun, creating other Sprites). You can now load the converted Sprites to the ASIC-Sprite-RAM (adress &4000),to work with them.The color-palette of the Sprites is located between &6422 and &643F (&1E Bytes,two bytes for every PEN from 0 to &0F).  4. Supported functions in GMSK==============================Menue File:------------ Load Pict. (see 5. Supported graphic formats).- Save Pict.- Load Spri.- Save Spri.- Close (same as End)- Version (shows actual program version)- End Menue Process:--------------- Clear (clears loaded Picture and ASIC-Sprite-RAM) Menue Options:--------------- Colour (but only for PENs, not for Sprites until now).- Language (english, german, french, and others if YOU translate!). Sprite Format:--------------- M0 -> 2(X)*8(Y) (sets 2 Sprites in X and 8 Sprites in Y)- M0 -> 3(X)*5(Y)- M0 -> 4(X)*4(Y)- M0 -> 5(X)*3(Y)- M0 -> 8(X)*2(Y)- every 2. line x (only every second scan line will be used) Conversion:------------ Pic. -> Sprite (the real function of the program).- Show picture- Show sprites Help----- Help- Menue- -$$$-- .www.  5. supported graphic formats============================- native 17 KB CPC screens (from SAVE"PIC",b,&C000,&4000).- 16 KB screens (16 KB pure graphic data, without file-header).- OCP-Screens (uncrunched and crunched) with PALette file.* If you load an OCP-Art-Studio Screen, GMSK looks automatically for a .PAL file. If a .PAL file is present the PENs and Sprite-Colors are set.