

863 bytes added, 09:56, 6 July 2011
Created page with "the IDE/8255 Interface is a generic design of attaching an IDE compatible interface via the use of the 8255 PPI chip. == History == The IDE/8255 interface was developed along ..."
the IDE/8255 Interface is a generic design of attaching an IDE compatible interface via the use of the 8255 PPI chip.

== History ==

The IDE/8255 interface was developed along the information found on the internet to attach and IDE interface to a variety of 8 bit computers.
To date all of the IDE interfaces that can be attached to the classic CPC appear to use a ribbon cable making it cumbersome to attach more devices.

The design of the interface also was an endeavor to resurrect my CPC as its internal disc drive died quite some time ago.

== Technical details ==

The interface uses ports &F8EF to &FBEF to control the 8255.
Version 1 of the interface does not have a through connector, but a future version will no doubt feature this so more devices can be attached.

== Picttures ==

There are several pictures of the interface on the CPCWiki forum.