
Speccy Port

34 bytes added, 01:24, 15 May 2011
/* Video */
*while''' ZX spectrum''' has a quite '''basic 1bpp character based colour display''', '''Amstrad CPC''' can be considered an '''upgraded CGA display minus the Character based modes''' (with a 16colours modes such as the Tandy's own custom "CGA" had... and a differently logic based palette), with a range or 4bpp, 2bpp and 2bpp Attribute free video display.
*'''They have a similar screen size.''' But '''Amstrad CPC''' actually produces smaller pixels in it's "equivalent" video mode (mode 1). The normal display resolution on the Amstrad CPC is '''320x200''' (mode 1) while '''ZX Spectrum''' produces "only" '''256x192''' pixels. Amstrad's screen can be reduced in size to match the Spectrum's (256x192, in Mode1) but then the actual display window is quite smaller as than on a spectrum (on the same monitor) and has a larger border because the generated pixels are slightly smaller.
*The size and aspect of the pixels in the Spectrum's bitmapped display are comparable to the pixels in Amstrad's mode 1 bitmapped display in that both produce approximately square pixels.